Our Impact

We want to enable real growth and development in Minneapolis-St. Paul by strengthening existing connections between the communities of today and the communities of tomorrow. We believe our cities have made a positive impact on all of us, and we are committed to supporting our community as it advances towards new horizons. 

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Far too often, our hardworking Minnesota teachers are left footing the bill for school and classroom supplies. The National Center for Education Statistics projects that nearly 95% of teachers spend their own salaries on educational materials for their students. Minnesota is in line with the national average, and the need to address this issue has never been more clear.

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The National Conference of State Legislatures found in a 2020 report that for every child enrolled in an afterschool program, three are on a waitlist. In total, there are approximately 25 million children nationally who are unable to enter afterschool care. Minnesota does not have state funding for these programs, leaving a vital need for private support.

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Almost 10% of Minnesota households face food insecurity, and Minnesotans are not impacted equally. The Minnesota Department of Education notes BIPOC children are twice as likely to skip a meal due to socioeconomic standing, and this gap is growing. It is critical the nonprofit sector fills this need.

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